Legal Immigrants - b/w rock and a hard place
With 500,000 people on the streets of LA and thousands of other voices running through major cities of USA, it seems very obvious that there are a lot of illegal immigrants or supporter who want to fight the House approved Bill. Their intension are not just to raise their voice against the House approved bill that is tougher on illegal immigrants but to send a message across to lawmakers that they are not going to sit idle in shadows and let the Washington decide on their faith.
For good or for bad the issue of immigration is on the fore front, at least for now. There is an atmosphere of anticipation, regret, tension and a mishaps. People on both sides of this issue are trying to be energized and show their support. It looks like the case is setting up to be "Either you are with Illegal Immigrants or against them". And sadly what seems to be happening is that immigration reform is being hijacked by the cases of illegal immigrants. In short the US immigration policy is becoming the Illegal Immigration Policy.
In the mist of all this discussion are people, like me, who came to USA legally and want to go towards the naturalization path through legal ways. What is most ironic in this whole discussion of immigration reforms is that US immigration laws are very complex and people who are trying to get to USA through legal path find it very difficult. And once you have immigration status it is still very difficult to get the immediate family across the land of promise and opportunity.
To handle issues of illegal immigration and broken boarders the lawmakers have to reform the legal immigration not give amnesty to illegal immigrants. Make it easier for people to come here legally and live the American dream. Those of you who are aware of red and green channels for customs would find the similarity very ironic. It looks like the path of legal immigration is red channel and the path for illegal immigration is green channel. Whereas it should have been the other way around.
I am not proposing here to open the boarders, on the contrary - the boarders have to be sealed and we need to know who is coming and why. But don't stop people who are law abiding and want to just live their lives legally.
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